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Adager Quick Start
Installing Adager takes just a few minutes. See "Adager Installation (or updating)" on page 16 .
Using AdagerAdager's start-up banner gives you a lot of information, including the name of your Company, the Model of Adager that you are running (1 for daily maintenance or 2 for structural transformations), Adager version and validity period, date and time, your IMAGE version, your logon identifiers (name, group and account), how to contact us, and various useful hints:
Give Adager the name of an IMAGE/SQL (or TurboIMAGE or IMAGE/3000) database which you are authorized to access and which you are authorized to modify.
:run adager.pub.rego Adager: The Adapter/Manager for IMAGE/SQL Databases Copyright 1978-2023 Adager Corporation Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-2358 USA support at adager . com adager.com/guide Adager Laboratories 2 230430 231229 1977 1 Run with Parm=8 to build a stream file. Run with Parm=1 for expert mode. Use "?" for context-sensitive HELP. Press <RETURN> for [DEFAULT VALUES]. Anywhere in the Adager dialogue, you may enter an MPE command preceded by ":" (such as ":pscreen", to capture part of your screen to a printer or to a file). SUN, APR 30, 2023, 3:35:55 PM IMAGE version HP30391 C.10.05 You are logged on as ALFREDO.REGO in group TEST Database [NO MORE] ?
If necessary, ask your system manager or your account manager to provide a database for you, because Adager is very strict and will not allow you to open databases that are protected by MPE and IMAGE security.
Once you have specified a database, tell Adager what you want to do with the database's objects. An Adager command has an Adager Verb and a Dataset Object (for instance, Add Dataset).
Enter "?" for a list of Adager commands. See the inside front cover or http://www.adager.com/AdagerGuideVerbObject.html for an index of Adager Verbs (such as add, delete, change, shuffle, etc.) and Database Objects (such as dataset, field, path, etc.)
Batch mode for routine tasksMost daily-maintenance tasks lend themselves to batch treatment under MPE.
To easily build StreamFiles that you can submit as Adager jobs, run Adager in session (interactive) mode with parm=8 (see "Running Adager in batch mode" on page 21 ).
The privacy and security of your databasesAdager makes sure that only authorized people (and batch jobs) access your IMAGE/SQL databases.
It is up to a System Manager (SM) to grant or deny access privileges throughout an HP e3000 system. It is up to an account's Account Manager (AM) to grant or deny access privileges to a given account. It is up to a database's Creator to grant or deny access privileges to a given database (through DBUTIL, via the database's maintenance word).
To browse and report a database's structural attributes with Adager, you need operating-system read access to the database. If you are neither the database's creator nor the database's account manager nor the computer's system manager, Adager asks you for the database's maintenance word.
To transform a database with Adager, you need operating-system exclusive-update access to it and you must be logged on as the database's creator in the database's group and account, after having provided all the appropriate passwords.
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