Your Adager Guide (See the alphabetical index for Your Adager Guide)
Adager Quick Start
Using Adager
Batch mode for routine tasks
The privacy and security of your databases
What does Adager do for you?
Adapt your databases to changes in your environment
Manage and fine-tuning your databases
Get archival databases into compliance with Y2K
Examine, diagnose and fix database problems
Is Adager easy to use and maintain?
You don't have to memorize cryptic commands
Meaningful error messages
What happens when you upgrade your OS or your hardware?
IMAGE/SQL databases and Adager
Databases as repositories for your information
Access to your information
Global database flags
Jumbo datasets (larger than 4 gigabytes)
Dynamic Dataset Expansion (DDX for details and MDX for masters)
SQL DBEnvironments
Indexing (B-Trees and TPI)
NetBase (and SharePlex) database mirroring
Further information
Adager Model One and Adager Model Two
Adager Model One
Adager Model Two
Upgrading from Model One to Model Two
Adager technology
Adager goes straight to the point
Consolidation of tasks
Adager preprocess certification
In-depth diagnostics
Roll back
Renaming and simultaneously renumbering
Reviewing scheduled changes
Adager Technical Support
Adager Installation (or updating)
Log on as the system manager (you must know the passwords)
Restore the Adager installation program
Run the Adager installation program
Please abide by the Adager Licensing Agreements
Running Adager
Run-time parms
Job-Control Words (JCWs)
Communicating with Adager
Adager commands
Adager menu
Running Adager in batch mode
Automatically creating a StreamFile
System Managers or Account Managers creating StreamFiles
Adager Therapy Functions
Examine Chain
Examine Path
Fix Chain
Fix Dataset
Fix Path
Replace Dataset
Adager Maintenance Functions
Change Capacity
Master Capacities
Detail Capacities
Fast dataset capacity changes
Enabling datasets (masters or details) for dynamic expansion
Maximum Capacity
Initial Capacity
MDX primary and secondary storage areas
Disabling datasets (masters or details) for DDX
Verification of DDX values
Automatic capacity management
CapMgr from ICS
Command files
Erase Dataset
Move Dataset
Reblock Database
Reblock Dataset
Repack Dataset
MastPack (repacking a master dataset)
DetPack (repacking a detail dataset)
Adager preserves chronology
You can optimize chained access for only one path per detail dataset
DetPacking & changing capacity
DetPack (serial)
DetPack (sorted)
DetPack (chained)
DetPack (SuperChained)
Differences between DetPack options
DetPack SuperChained and RISC
Adager Browsing Functions
Copy Database
Report Capacity
Report Dataset
Report Item
Report Path
Report Schema
Adager Remodeling Functions
Add Dataset
Add Field
Add Item
Add Path
Add Sort
Change Dataset
Change Date
Change Field
Change Item
Change Primary
Change Security
Delete Dataset
Delete Field
Delete Item
Delete Path
Delete Sort
Examine Date
Redefine Item
Rename Database
Rename Dataset
Rename Field
Rename Item
Shuffle Datasets
Shuffle Fields
Shuffle Items
Your Adager Guide (See the alphabetical index for Your Adager Guide)