Alphabetical index for Your Adager Guide (See the Table of Contents for Your Adager Guide)
! 27
$hexadecimal 22
$stdin file 17
% 27
%octal 22
? 19
1999 (dates beyond) 43
4 gigabytes (more than) 7
account 21, 36, 47
Account Manager (AM) 21, 36
$stdin file 17
as a child process 17
bugs 5
commands 20
menu 20
verbs 20
Adager Licensing Agreements 16
Adager Technical Support 15
AdagerListRec JCW 19
AdagerNoJumbo JCW 19
AdagerRollBack JCW 18
AdagerTermType JCW 18
Dataset 39, 42
Field 40
Item 40
Path 41, 43
Sort 41
AM (Account Manager) 21
any data item type for sort fields 47
AskOperator JCW 14, 18
AutoCheck 24
Automatic capacity management 28
automatic master dataset 42
Automatically creating a StreamFile 20
backup time 42
backward pointer 23
batch 2, 17, 20, 29, 31
bit-packed date format 43
block 28, 32, 34
block length 37
blocking factor 29, 37, 42, 45
broken chain 14
Browsing Functions 36
B-Tree 9
BufferLength 28, 29
percentage-full 26
percent-full 25
relative 25, 26
specific 25, 26
capacity 45
as percent full 25
change 25
maximum dynamic capacity 8
MaximumCapacity 26
relative to current entries 25
specific 25
capacity management 28
capchang.library.rego 28
CapMgr from ICS 28
capture any part of your screen 20
chain 7
count 14, 23
length 31
locality 31
pointer 14
access 29, 30, 31, 32
unload 45
chained (DetPack option) 31, 32, 34
ChainHead 23, 24, 32
ChainLink 23
Capacity 25
Capacity as you repack 31
Dataset 42
Date 43, 46
Field 44
Item 44
Primary 45
Security 45
Change Capacity 25
Change Dataset 42
Change Item 44
Christidis, Paul H. 28
chronological order 30, 32, 33
Chronos 43
CISC 16, 26, 29, 37
class (security) 45
Command Interpreter 19
commands for Adager 20
comments in Adager's input 20
Communicating with Adager 19
complex database changes 14
consistency checking 8, 13, 14, 27
Consolidation of tasks 13
context-sensitive help 19
Copy Database 36
courier address for Adager 15
creating a StreamFile 17, 20
creator 21, 36
capacity 27
path 45
data item 6
backups 22
BufferLength 29
creator 21, 36
group and account 21
item table 46
mirroring 10
normalization 42
objects 20
passwords 37
restores 22
root file 13
dataset 6
blocking factor 29
entry count 24
file 13
number 37
repacking 30
date-oriented item and its fields 43
dates beyond 1999 43
DBEnvironment 9
DBGET 42, 45
DBLOAD 39, 48
DBPUT 8, 25, 42, 46, 48
DBSCHEMA 17, 26, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42
DBUTIL 2, 7, 36
DDX (Dynamic Dataset Expansion for details) 8
DDX (Dynamic Dataset Expansion) 31, 40
Dataset 45
Field 45
Item 46
Path 46
Sort feature from a path 46
delete chain (or free-entry list) 24
detail dataset 7, 42
DetPack (repack a detail dataset) 20, 30
changing capacity at the same time 31
differences in options 34
option 1 (serial) 31
option 2 (sorted) 32
option 3 (chained) 32
option 4 (SuperChained) 33, 34
class 28
number 28
diagnostics 14
disabling DDX 27
device classes 28
device number 28
input/output (I/O) 30
space 46
display-enhancements 18
Do not reblock datasets 18
duplicate master entry 24, 43
Dynamic Dataset Expansion (DDX) 8, 31, 40
E type (IEEE real) 44
elapsed time 13
Electronic contacts 15
embedded date 43
empty (deleted) entry 30
enabling DDX 26
entry 6
count 24
number 23
Erase Dataset 28
erasing an automatic master 28
escape sequences 18
even-byte length 43
Chain 22
Date 43, 46
Path 14, 23, 24
Examine Path 14
expert mode 17
extended sort field 42, 48
field 6
FieldDel 20
file equation 38
files and tables for a database 36
filler around date field 43
first pointer 23
Chain 22, 23, 24
Dataset 24
Path 22, 23, 24
forbid reblocking of datasets 18
ForbidTpiMaint JCW 18, 19
batch dialogue while in session 17
signed P or Z 17
forward pointer 23
free entries 25
free-entry list (or delete chain) 24
full database diagnostics 14
global diagnostics 14
group 21, 36, 47
hardware failure 13, 22
hashed access 42
hashing 23, 25
access 7
algorithm 44
HashingCapacity 26
hexadecimal 22
HighWater mark 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 34
Historical note (DDX or MDX?) 9
HP Calendar 43
HP e3000 real 44
http://www.adager.com 11
I type (integer) 46
I/O (disc input/output) 30
IEEE real 44
database backups 22
database restores 22
Increment 26, 27
in-depth diagnostics 14
indexed-sequential access 9
InitialCapacity 26
Installation 16
in-use bit 14, 23
item table 46
job 20
Job-Control Words (JCWs) 18
jumbo dataset 7, 19, 31, 40
K type (logical) 41, 47
keyword retrieval 9
last pointer 23
level (security) 45
Licensing Agreements 16
locality of entries 32
Mail 15
access to your database 36
Adager Maintenance Functions 25
word 2, 36
manual master dataset 42
mapped-file access 29, 34
MastCap 20
master dataset 7, 25, 42
automatic 42
manual 42
MastPack (repack a master dataset) 30
maximum dynamic capacity 8
MaximumCapacity 26
MDX (Dynamic Dataset Expansion for masters) 8
MDX primary and secondary storage areas 27
Meaningful error messages 5
menu-oriented interface 20
migrating secondary 42
millennium 43
minimize total elapsed time 13
mirroring databases 10
MM/3000 43
Model One (for daily maintenance) 12
Model Two (the full power of Adager) 12, 39
more than 4 gigabytes 7
Move Dataset 28
MPE | MPE/XL | MPE/iX command 19
MPEX's DBADGALT command 28
NetBase 10, 18
next pointer 23
normalization 42
novice mode 17
number of fields 37
number of paths 37
objects for IMAGE 20
octal 22
odd-byte length 44
Omnidex 19
on-line 29, 31, 32
optimization of chained access 29, 30
orphan detail chain 24
overloaded date value 43
P type (packed decimal) 18, 44, 45
parm=0 17
parm=1 17
parm=16 17, 44
parm=2 17
parm=32 18
parm=4 17
parm=8 17, 20
database backups 22
database restores 22
password 21, 37, 45
path 7, 24, 45
PathAdd 20
Paul H. Christidis 28
percentage full 25
performance 42
of DBPUT 46
pointer 23
Posix 28
power failures or brownouts 22
PowerHouse 43
previous pointer 23
primary master entry 7
primary path 7, 31, 45
Primary storage area 27
PrimaryCapacity 26
privileged files and tables 13
pscreen 20
question mark "?" 19
R type (HP e3000 real) 44
random access 32
read/write list
for data item 45
for dataset 45
rearrange order of
data items 48
datasets 48
fields 48
Database 29
Dataset 28, 29
rebuild chains 22, 24
Redefine Item 46
Rego account 16
rehashing 27
Remodeling Functions 39
Database 47
Dataset 47
Field 47
Item 48
across accounts 47
across groups 47
while simultaneously renumbering 14
data items 46, 48
datasets 40, 48
while simultaneously renaming 14
Repack Dataset 25, 30, 32, 34, 42
options 30
repacking path 31
Replace Dataset 24
Report 36
Capacity 37
Dataset 37
Item 37
Path 37
Schema 8, 37
resiliency of IMAGE 22
restructuring functions 39
Reviewing scheduled changes 14
RISC 5, 16, 26, 29, 34
Roll back 14, 18
root file 13
Running Adager 17
batch (job) mode 20
Job-Control Words (JCWs) 18
novice mode 17
run-time parms 17
session (on-line interactive) mode 17
schema 31, 36, 37, 41
screen capture to a printer or to a file 20
script files 17
search field 7, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44, 45
value 14, 23, 43
secondary master entry 7, 42
Secondary storage area 27
Security 6, 36, 45
selection of the repacking path 31
serial (DetPack option) 31
SetJcw 18
SharePlex 10
Datasets 48
Fields 42, 48
Items 48
signed non-negative number 17, 44
SM (System Manager) capabilities 21
SM or AM creating StreamFiles 21
sort feature 41, 45, 46
sort field 7, 24, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48
extended 42, 48
sorted (DetPack option) 32
sorted chain 42
sorted path 42, 46, 48
specific capacity 25
SQL DBEnvironment 9
SRN Chronos 43
StreamFile 17, 20, 21
subitem count 44, 46
subitem length 44, 46
SuperChained (DetPack option) 33, 34
Superdex 19
Support 15
synonym chain 7, 23, 24
system failure 13, 22
System Manager (SM) 21, 36
Technical Support 15
therapy 22
Third-Party Indexing (TPI) 9, 19
TpiMaint intrinsic 19
total elapsed time 13
U type (upper-case ASCII) 41
UDC (user-defined command) 19
unreferenced data item 46
unsigned non-negative number 18, 44
unsorted path 31
up-front Adager cross check 14
upgrade Model One to Model Two 39
user class or level 45
user label 23
user-defined command (UDC) 19
verbs for Adager 20
Verification of DDX values 27
www.adager.com 11
X type (ASCII) 41, 44, 47
Year 2000 43
Z type (zoned decimal) 18, 44, 45, 46
Alphabetical index for Your Adager Guide (See the Table of Contents for Your Adager Guide)