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Adager Browsing Functions
You can copy databases across groups and accounts, optionally placing specific datasets on specific disc devices.
You can report various kinds of information about specific elements of your database (to your screen, to a printer or to a disc file, which you can specify as a Qedit file if you wish).
You can produce a schema file in the standard format that DBSCHEMA can process.
Copy DatabaseTo copy a database, log on as the creator of the destination database, in the group and account in which you want the copy to reside. Then run Adager, entering the name of the source database (fully qualified, if necessary) that you wish to copy, and use Adager's Copy Database function, which copies the files and tables associated with a database.
You must have at least read and lock file-system access to the source database to conform with standard MPE security. In addition, because of IMAGE security, you must have maintenance access to the source database. (Without this requirement, anyone with read and lock access could copy a database and then, being the creator of this copy, could inspect its contents without having to provide an explicit IMAGE password, because the implicit creator's password ";" would do.)
A System Manager (SM) has maintenance access to databases in all accounts. An Account Manager (AM) has maintenance access to databases in the specific logon account. The database's creator has maintenance access to the database. The database's creator can grant maintenance access to another user by running DBUTIL to assign a maintenance word to the database and by sharing the knowledge of the maintenance word.
While you copy, other processes may access the source database in compatible read-only modes.
Adager lets you place each dataset (or the entire database) on any disc device class or device number.
Report CapacityFor each dataset, Adager reports the capacity, current number of entries and percentage full.
In addition, Adager displays dataset characteristics such as dataset number, name, type, DDX status, jumbo status, number of fields, number of paths, blocking factor and block length.
(For a more detailed display of the field characteristics of datasets, please use Report Dataset.)
Report DatasetFor each dataset you request, Adager reports the dataset number, name and type together with DDX status, jumbo status, disc space utilization, CISC extent map, number of entries, percent full, free-space count, capacity, block length, media entry length, entry length, blocking factor, number of fields, number of paths and the word offset, word length, item name and item type of each of the fields.
Report ItemAdager reports the data item number, name and type. For each dataset in which the data item defines a field, Adager displays the dataset name and type as well as the field number and its location within the dataset's entry.
Report PathFor each dataset you specify, Adager reports information about the dataset's relationships to other datasets (if any).
For a master, Adager lists its dataset number, name, type and search field. For each master path, Adager lists its path number and the related detail dataset with its detail path number, detail search field and detail sort field (if any).
For a detail, Adager lists its dataset number, name and type. For each detail path, Adager lists its path number, search field, sort field (if any) and the associated master dataset with its master path number and master search field.
Report SchemaAdager decompiles the digital structures of a database to generate a schema file in the human-readable ASCII format accepted by DBSCHEMA. For your convenience, Adager documents many useful characteristics of your database as <<comments>> and includes "$page" statements instructing DBSCHEMA to begin a new page for each dataset.
For privacy reasons, you may instruct Adager not to include the real database passwords.
You may produce the schema as a disc file (which you can specify as a Qedit file), although Adager does not limit you to this choice. You may reference file equations to send the schema file directly to a printer or to any device that produces the output that you want, locally or remotely through a computer network.
Adager defaults to "$stdlist" (your terminal, Macintosh, PC, or Unix workstation, if you are on-line in session mode).
Adager includes Dynamic Dataset Expansion (DDX) information for DDX-enabled datasets.
Adager includes $control jumbo statements for databases that contain at least one jumbo dataset.
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