Articles by members of the Adager R&D team and Friends
By Lars Appel (HP Response Center, Germany)
- Pretty Good Porting for MPE/iX (HTML)
Abstract: This paper discusses the porting of Unix based Open Source software to MPE/iX. By sharing his experience from various freeware-porting projects, the author gives an overview of the porting process in general, and guides through the typical steps using a real freeware package as an example. The chosen PGP example combines typical porting issues as well as a few exotic ones.
About the author: Lars Appel works at the HP Response Center in Germany since 1991, providing primarily HP 3000 software support. In his leisure time, he ported Samba and several other freeware packages to MPE/iX. He also participates in the HP3000-L Internet discussion group.
By Wirt Atmar (AICS Research, University Park, NM, USA)
By Patrick Mullen (Adager)
- The Path to Improved IMAGE Detail Dataset Performance (PDF)
By Ken R. Paul (Adager)
- Adager and NetBase (PDF or HTML)
- Adager's Database Therapy (PDF or HTML)
- Adager's Reblocking of IMAGE datasets (PDF or HTML)
- Adager's Repacking of IMAGE datasets (PDF or HTML)
- Dynamic Dataset Expansion (DDX) (PDF or HTML)
- HighWaterMark DBPUT flag (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE Performance (part 1) (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE Performance (part 2) (PDF or HTML)
- Understanding Prefetch in IMAGE (PDF or HTML)
By F. Alfredo Rego (Adager)
- Adager's Consistency Check (PDF or HTML)
- Adager software development and support (HTML)
- IMAGE's coming of age -- Breaking free from restrictions to database transformations (PDF or HTML)
- Database Genetics and Cosmetics: The Adager Approach (PDF or HTML)
- Do migrating secondaries give you migraines? (PDF or HTML)
- Getting Ready for the Year 2000 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL Database Foundations (PDF or HTML)
- Lessons from 23 years of Gypsy programming (PDF or HTML)
By Fred White (Adager)
- The Birth of IMAGE (PDF or HTML)
- Dynamic Dataset Expansion (PDF or HTML)
- The Three Bears of IMAGE (PDF or HTML)
- The Fourth Bear of IMAGE (PDF or HTML)
- The Use and Abuse of Non-hashing Keys in IMAGE (PDF or HTML)
- Integer Keys: The Final Chapter (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: Part 1 of 5 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: Part 2 of 5 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: Part 3 of 5 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: Part 4 of 5 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: Part 5 of 5 (PDF or HTML)
- IMAGE/SQL: The Inside Story (PDF or HTML)
By members of the VESOFT Team
- Foreword
- Automated error checking of batch jobs with MPEX/3000
- Automated testing -- why and how
- A very scholarly discussion of the effect of synonyms on performance
- Burn before reading - HP3000 security and you
- Cheap speech and what it will do
- Creating 3-up labels with QUERY
- Disc space: how much is enough?
- Encryption: a mixed blessing?
- File security: protection in a high-risk environment
- Getting more from MPE
- How programming languages differ: a case study of SPL, Pascal, and C
- HP Humor
- HP Poetry
- HP-UX specific security concerns
- Making other people's programs do what they were never intended to do
- MPE programming
- MPE XL Programming
- MPEX: flexible listfs and other tricks
- POSIX System Management with VESOFT's MPEX
- Relational databases vs. IMAGE: What the fuss is all about
- SECURITY/3000: a new approach to logon security
- Security myths
- Sporadic Dialogues
- SYSDUMPs and HP's "TurboSTORE" facility
- The biggest computersecurity threat
- The future of third-party vendors in the HP3000 user market
- The mysterious case of 'free' space becoming 'used'
- The secrets of system tables... revealed!
- The semiconductor industry and foreign competition
- The truth about disc files
- The truth about MPE/XL disc files
- Using VESOFT Products To Implement The Hewlett-Packard Recommendations For Tuning Up Your HP3000 System Security
- What to do when your program aborts
- Winning at MPE
[ Adager Corporation ]